The Heart and Soul of the Braxton Family: Dr. Evelyn Braxton’s Story

Written and Interviewed by : Charron Monaye

Known from her appearance on “Braxton Family Values” which ran for seven seasons on WeTV, from 2011 to 2020, as the “no non-sense mother”, and authoring her bestselling bookCooking with Ms. E: A Book of Recipes and Family Memoirs, Dr. Evelyn Braxton has become asought-after speaker and coach offering love and wisdom to many. Ms. Braxton’s career startedas a cosmetology educator and textured hair specialist. As her love of beauty and wellnessevolved, Ms. Braxton curated the beauty brand, Ms. E’s Eyebrow Grower, which offers naturallysourced eyebrow serums and skincare products. In order to further her reach, In 2008, Ms.Braxton founded Madame, Inc. Through this corporation, Ms. Braxton was able to propel herwork in the areas of entertainment and charitable outreach. For her honorable leadership, Ms. Braxton has received numerous honors, through the years, including, Honorary Doctorate from Global International Alliance, Keys to the cities of Albany and Americus, Georgia, The Diva Award, Presidential Lifetime Achievement Award andInducted into the prestigious Marquis Who’s Who of America.

Even though Ms. Braxton has become a household name for her inspiration and awesome recipes, her most honored role in life is being the mother of celebrity entertainers, Toni. Michael, Traci, Towanda, Trina, and TamarBraxton.

HH: Let me first say, you look good Ms. E and still working, and showing up? What is yoursecret to looking good and staying healthy, especially with so many people dealing withhealth issues?

Ms. E: I do not have a secret. I believe that God blesses the humble with salvation and keeps me healthy.It’s not something I can take credit for—it is all God.- ADVERTISEMENT –

HH: Congratulations on all of the success with your cookbook Cooking w/ Ms. E, Frombestselling list to having your book in store at Georgia State University and otheruniversities, what was your most memorable experience being an author? What did youlearn? 

Ms. E: My most memorable experience occurred at the Women’s Expo in Atlanta, GA. As I walkedthrough the event, a little girl, no more than eight years old, approached me with a big smile onher face. She told me that I inspired her and that she aspired to be like me one day. Her wordstouched me deeply, and I was moved by the thought that someone so young could look up to mein such a profound way. In that moment, I realized the impact we can have on others, even when we are unaware of it. It taught me that no matter how young or small someone might be, they are always observing andlearning from the people around them. We may not always see the influence we have, but we are constantly encouraging and inspiring others, often without even knowing it. This experience hasstayed with me and reminds me of the responsibility we have to be positive role models, as wenever know who might be watching and drawing inspiration from our actions and words.

HH: You just launched a new fashion business called Ms. E’s Closet. First congratulations. Tellus how this new venture got started. What can customers expect, types of clothing, sizes? 

Ms. E.: One day, as I was going through my closet, I had a moment of realization. I noticed that I had somany wonderful and lovely things that were just sitting there unused. I thought about how otherscould benefit from these items, so I decided to take action. I began pulling out a variety offabulous things, including shoes, purses, hats, suits, and more. Some of these items had onlybeen worn once or twice, while others had never been worn at all. They ranged in all sizes andstyles, from elegant After 5 attires to versatile business casual outfits. As I sorted through these items, I imagined how much joy and use they could bring to others. The thought of someone else loving these pieces as much as I did fill me with a sense of purpose. This inspired me to create a way to share these treasures with those who could truly benefit from them. And so, Ms. E’s Closet was born. It has become a place where people can find beautifuland high-quality clothing and accessories that suits their style preferences. This initiative notonly allowed me to declutter my space but also to make a positive impact on others by providingthem with items that could enhance their lives and bring them happiness.

We saw that you and your amazing daughters are coming back to TV, The Braxtons? Youknow it will not be the same without Traci, but what can we expect to see in this newshow? 

Ms. E: Nothing is ever the same, but we have to move forward. Yes, Traci is missed, but her spirit willalways be with us, around us, and in our thoughts. She would want us to keep moving; tobecome the best family we can be through prayer. Each day is different, but with God’s help, wecan do all things through Christ who strengthens us (Philippians 4:13). In the new show, you can expect the same dynamics you would see in any family. We will have disagreements, exchange words, and sometimes even unkind words. But you will also see love, laughter, and moments of embracing one another. We will continue to live life because that is what being a family is all about. Our show premieres exclusively on WE tv and streamingexclusively on ALLBLK this August 9, 2024.

HH: With so much going on in the world and news, what keeps Ms. E motivated, inspired, andstress free. Women deal with so much, any tips you have to help us woman get to your ageand remain beautiful like yourself, because your skin is glowing! – ADVERTISEMENT –

Ms. E: I am not truly stress-free. I face trials and tribulations like everyone else, but I know where mystrength lies. It is not in wealth, words, deeds, having the right answers, politics, or bureaucracy.My strength comes from the power and love of God. As women, we need to learn to love ourselves and recognize that there is no one greater than us except God. It is essential to understand our worth and the unique strength we possess. By embracing the love and power of God, we can navigate through life’s challenges with resilienceand grace. Let’s empower each other to stand strong, knowing that our true strength lies in ourfaith and in the divine love that guides us.

Do you have anything else you want us to know that you have coming up? How can ourreaders keep up with Ms. E? How can we support you? 

Ms. E: Readers can support me through their prayers and encouragement. I am excited to announce thatmy team and I are working on the second edition of “Cooking with Ms. E,” featuring new andexciting recipes that I believe you will love. Additionally, I have an upcoming cooking showwith my daughter Tamar that will soon be launched on Cleo TV. You can also expect to see moreof my cookware products available soon. But, to stay connected, you can visit my website at or follow me on all social media platforms at Evelyn Braxton.

To all the women out there, remember Ms. E told you, “You are greater than you give yourselfcredit for. Know who you are and never forget that there is no one greater than you except

” Love you much. Look at God !! ❤️ Dr. Evelyn J. Braxton

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