The Astrology of Kamala Harris Shows a Path to Victory

Too many coconuts have fallen out of the tree for the Democrats. And in case you still don’t think astrology has value, let’s not forget how many astrologers predicted that President Joe Biden would step down from the 2024 election. Following Biden’s announcement, there has been an immediate and immense rise in support for Vice President Kamala Harris to step up as the Democratic nominee. Although her candidacy may seem unexpected, Kamala Harris’ birth chart and astrological predictions suggest she might be the best Democratic nominee for the 2024 election.

As always, the astrological timing is uncanny. Biden announced his decision during the full moon in Capricorn on July 21, which occurred at 29 degrees. Full moons represent a completed cycle, so one could argue that his decision represents the end of a legendary political legacy. The saying: “Out with the old and in with the new,” rings true for this lunation. The Democratic party recognized that they need a far more exciting candidate than Joe Biden if they want a fighting chance against the Republican party. The Democrats aren’t at a loss, as the lunar beams strengthen Kamala Harris’ power to become their next presidential nominee. 

Between the political changes and cosmic forecast, anything could happen. Will Kamala Harris become the next Democratic nominee, and perhaps, the next president, based on astrology? Keep reading to find out:


The birth chart of Kamala Harris

Born on October 20, 1964, Kamala Harris is Libra sun, Aries moon, and Gemini rising. Her cardinal sun and moon signs suggest that Harris is a natural-born leader. Libra sun leads with others in mind, so this would help Harris work swimmingly to come to a mutual agreement with other politicians. However, her Aries moon will remind her to be instinctual and decisive. This energy will be necessary if Harris needs to act in her own best interest. Between these two placements, Harris will likely be an adept mediator who knows when to consult others and when to act in her volition. The combination of Libra and Aries will also help Harris be thoughtfully confrontational. She may not engage in petty discourses during debates, or easily fall prey to inflammatory statements. Harris can skillfully pick and choose her battles.

As a Gemini rising, Harris will exude youthfulness and curiosity. One of the biggest complaints of this election season is the nominees’ ages. There has been plenty of controversy surrounding how old is too old. Luckily, Gemini risings exude vitality and freshness. When you consider the fact that Trump will be the oldest presidential candidate in U.S. history, Harris will be a breath of fresh air. Her Gemini rising gives her a charming, chameleon-like personality. Harris may appear like she can wear many hats, which could be appealing to her party and voters.

There might even be some likeness between her and Donald Trump, as both candidates have prominent Gemini placements. However, this likeness may only be skin-deep. Both nominees could be compared on a social level instead of a political one, such as being known for their unintentionally funny moments and online presence. Unlike Trump, Harris’ other natal placements will help her come across as a more serious yet socially palatable candidate.  

Her Gemini rising gives her a charming, chameleon-like personality. Harris may appear like she can wear many hats, which could be appealing to her party and voters.

While Harris has promising natal placements, she may have a few that could raise an eyebrow. Like Biden, Harris is also a natal Mercury in Scorpio. Biden’s stuttering, stumbling, and misspeaking have arguably caused him to lose so much support. Given that Harris and Biden share the same Mercurial placement, they could have similar communication styles and thought processes. Hopefully, Harris won’t have similar public blunders during her debates.

Harris will also have to navigate her natal Jupiter retrograde in Taurus, if she wants to become president. Jupiter is associated with politics, belief systems, and morality. However, it can be challenging to feel confident in these aspects if Jupiter has stationed retrograde. Her natal Jupiter retrograde may infer that Harris struggles with her political stance and judgment. Harris could struggle to define her political vision outside of others’ projections, given that Jupiter retrograde falls in the twelfth house of the subconscious and hidden enemies. If Harris wants to win, she will need to be steadfast in her campaign. Better yet, Harris will need to be picky about her confidants, so that others can’t interject their political agendas into her presidential legacy. 


How will astrology affect her campaign?

According to Harris’ upcoming astrological transits, her presidential candidacy already looks promising. As of spring 2024, Harris completed her Jupiter return. A Jupiter return occurs every twelve years, so this is an impactful cosmic event. When a Jupiter return happens, it can promote growth, abundance, and benevolence. Harris would have experienced something rather lucky either at the time of her return, or shortly after.

Following Harris’ return, Jupiter entered Gemini on May 25, 2024, and began its trek through her first house of identity. From now until June 2025, Jupiter in Gemini will help Harris’ identity grow and expand. Given that she’s a Gemini rising, Harris may balance multiple identities. She could wear many hats over the next year, one of them potentially being the presidential hat. It’s fated for Harris to evolve, since Jupiter in Gemini will eventually aspect Harris’ natal North Node of Destiny and South Node of Karma. 

The Jupiterian activity ultimately sets Harris’ up for immense success. She may experience a lucky streak, especially if she is looking to improve and grow who she is as an individual. Harris may feel like she’s destined to become a different person over the next year.

Right now, Harris is also undergoing massive changes that will affect her for the long-term, thanks to Saturn in Pisces. Saturn in Pisces will slowly but surely move through Harris’ tenth house of career, reputation, and legacy from March 2023 to January 2026. This three-year cycle will seriously restructure her career path. It might be time to consider taking on immense responsibilities and authority to achieve a significant milestone. Although this is promising for immense career advancement, Saturn will present hurdles. Harris will have to work that much harder to prove she’s the right person for the professional promotion. 

Meanwhile, Pluto in Aquarius will transform Harris’ ninth house of politics, spirituality, and travel for the next few decades. This revolutionary energy will encourage Harris to be the “black sheep” in the political sphere. Once Harris becomes comfortable with being an outcast and rebel, her presence on the podium can be highly transformative for the whole country. As long as Harris is progressive and open to unconventional ideas, her presidency could drastically alter the political stage for generations to come. In particular, she may want to focus on humanitarian efforts abroad, human rights, and technological advancements. Essentially, Harris has the power to make a lasting, legendary impact despite the power clashes that may come with her presidency. 

As long as Harris is progressive and open to unconventional ideas, her presidency could drastically alter the political stage for generations to come.

Additionally, Harris may feel called to lead the greater community and Democratic party since the transit North Node of Fate is in her eleventh house of humanity. The stars have aligned for Harris to step up as a leader. She may feel like this is her greatest duty, especially if there are no other politicians who can be the leader the U.S.A. needs.

Recently, the two full moons in Capricorn on June 21 and July 21 have led to something being revealed in her eighth house of secrecy. Although the public may not be privy to what has happened between the full moons, it wouldn’t be surprising if Harris used this time to prepare for her nomination. However, the lunar energy could have also brought out negative feelings, like shame or guilt. It might have been a challenging period for Harris, if she was unsure of taking Biden’s place as the Democratic nominee in the 2024 election.

Speaking of lunations, September will be a pivotal time for Kamala Harris. The full moon and partial lunar eclipse in Pisces on September 17 could catapult her campaign into uncharted territory. Full moons represent a completed six-month cycle. But this one is extra special. Eclipses infer fateful yet unpredictable changes, and this particular eclipse will be a snapshot of what’s to come in 2025.

The lunar eclipse in Pisces on September 17 could catapult her campaign into uncharted territory.

Harris will receive immense attention regarding a significant milestone in her career path. For example, it might become known that Harris is suited for presidency given her involvement over the last six months as vice president. Harris could also achieve an impressive campaign milestone. Whatever happens will be a prelude to what she can expect from her career path in 2025, especially as the lunar energy redirects her public appearance and identity toward something new.

Overall, Harris’ upcoming transits suggest that she’s an extremely strong candidate for the election. But it’s still worth noting that Harris’s transits don’t imply that she’s gunning for an easy win. If Harris truly wants to win, she will have to reconsider how she appears to younger generations of voters. The next few months could make or break how seriously voters will take Harris’ campaign. Based on the upcoming astrology, it would be in Harris’ best interest to address her plans for U.S. involvement in foreign affairs, such as Israel, Gaza, and Ukraine. Additionally, Harris should communicate her plans to fight inflation and student debt. Her stance on these topics could win over the younger generations of voters.


Will Kamala Harris win the Democratic Party endorsement? 

Since this is the halfway mark for the 2024 election period, Harris has a lot of catching up to do. Unlike Biden and Trump, Harris has not had months, even years, to garner support, receive endorsements, campaign, and more. Although Harris has to make up for lost time, her horoscope for the week of July 21 to July 27 is inspiring.

Following Biden’s announcement, the moon will be in Aquarius and the sun will enter Leo beginning on Monday, July 22. The lunar energy will glow in Harris’ ninth house of politics, spirituality, and travel, while the sun will warm her third house of communication and immediate community. While Harris may feel emotional, she may need to detach from her feelings to present a strong front.

Harris will need to stand by her campaign, especially when the sun in Leo opposes Pluto retrograde in Aquarius the following day. The polarizing energy could make Harris feel like a rebel, especially given who she is and how she has entered the race. Although she may feel isolated, Harris could receive support from unexpected sources. Politicians, celebrities, or companies who wouldn’t typically support her may endorse her campaign. Despite dealing with intense emotions, Harris may find that she has more power and control than she may think.

Shortly after, the moon will enter Pisces and her tenth house of career, public status, and legacy. Once the tenth house is activated, Harris will be in the spotlight. The gentle lunar energy could remind Harris to be mindful of public perception. Harris could come across as whimsical, such as the funny TikTok compilations of Harris’ goofy moments. However, Harris could also be seen as the more altruistic, spiritually aligned choice for the Democratic party. She may present with more wisdom and compassion, outshining other potential nominees in the process.

Although she may feel isolated, Harris could receive support from unexpected sources. Politicians, celebrities, or companies who wouldn’t typically support her may endorse her campaign.

By midweek, Harris may feel overwhelmed by the level of attention coming her way, because the moon in Pisces will clash with Jupiter in Gemini. Harris is undoubtedly used to some media presence. However, this is her first taste of what it might be like to be president. Whether her reaction is public or private, Harris will have to work through the larger-than-life emotions that result from being in the public eye. Aside from this, she may become more prolific for her campaign’s overarching goals, ambitions, and promises. Hopefully Harris has a good track record and her campaign aligns with her long-standing attributes as a politician. If not, Harris may face some backlash if it appears like she’s switching up.

Harris’ lunar return will begin when the moon enters Aries on Thursday, July 25. Lunar returns happen once a month, and it can be a highly sensitive period. Her emotions will burn brightly and fiercely. Luna will enhance Harris’ eleventh house of friendship, greater community, and dreams. Harris may feel overcome with emotions, especially if being president has been one of her dreams. Support from the Democratic party and the general public will also heighten Harris’ emotions. 

A day later, Harris could feel like she’s the right person to help heal her country, since Chiron will station retrograde in Aries in her eleventh house of greater community. Preparing for a presidency will be both painful and hopeful. Harris could be seen as a beacon of hope in this election. However, Harris may also personally suffer as she navigates this emotionally intensive process. Some of her distress will be apparent as soon as the end of this week. For example, media outlets may pick her apart, or she could make a statement about how intense this week has been. Regardless, this cosmic energy will encourage Harris to be mindful of how much she’s willing to risk leading the greater community. 

Once Mercury retrograde begins on August 5, Harris may feel like she has to work that much harder.

Throughout the weekend, the moon will enter Taurus and her twelfth house of the subconscious. Looking back on this week, Harris may come to a few private conclusions on how her campaign could go. She may have to reconsider her communication style, and how she presents her political agenda. Luckily, Harris should feel rather confident in her strengths as she prepares for the next steps of campaigning. An established authoritative figure could even speak to Harris’ strengths to reinforce that she’s the right candidate for the Democratic party. 

Overall, the astrology of this week suggests that there is an auspicious yet enduring energy that will help Harris win the Democrat party’s endorsement. Although it appears that Harris will become the Democratic nominee, she may have to fight to maintain this support come August 2024. Once Mercury retrograde begins on August 5, Harris may feel like she has to work that much harder. Either the public or the Democratic party could feel suddenly unsure of Harris being one of the election’s forerunners. This potentially widespread skepticism will be temporary. Public support and confidence in Harris will resume after Mercury stations direct on August 28. By the end of summer, Harris will be the obvious choice for the Democrat nomination.

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