Our Flag Means Death (Part 2)

PR SampleLynB Designs’ upcoming collection is Our Flag Means Death Pt2. It will launch March 8th with a half off code of PIRATE through the 13th. Mark your calenders now, there’s some beauties to snag!
All polishes shown in two coats with topcoat. I am heavy handed, please keep that in mind when considering purchases. Photos were shot under studio lighting with white balancing for best color accuracy.Quite Frankly, You’re My Hero- black base with black to red to orange to gold shifting multichrome

You Have Impeccable Balance, Babe- blue base with cerulean to blue to indigo to purple shifting multichrome

The Knives Really Bring the Place Together- magenta base with purple to magenta to pink shifting multichrome. Definitely a fave, I wore for a week!

Jeff’s Inn By the Sea- deep teal base with green to teal to blue shifting multichrome

You’re Not a Fu*kin’ Mermaid- purple base with teal to blue to purple to pink and even orange shifting multichrome

I Did a Punch!- bright magenta base with pink to orange to green shifting multichrome

Fang’s Real Name is Kevin- green base with red to orange to yellow to green shifting multichrome

Oh Look It’s Scowly Face- warm yellow base with copper to gold to silver to green shifting multichrome

Calypso’s Birthday-teal/blue base with green to blue to purple shifting multichrome

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