Meet Hair Physician: The Hairstylist!


What inspired you to pursue a career in the beauty industry? 

I’ve always had a thing for making females look and feel confident. I was raised in a single-mother home, and my mom did all of the girl’s hair to get her through nursing school. The way women light up after getting their hair done always fascinates me I never knew that I would join the beauty industry, but I’m glad I did.

Can you share a memorable moment from your early days in the industry?

A memorable moment for me in my early days, OMG is probably when I was rushing to finish a client & I was moving too fast I intended to comb her hair with a rat-tail comb however I picked up the razor comb and yeah you know what happened next. I was so embarrassed, annoyed & irritated, but I learned a lesson that day TAKE YOUR TIME! 

How do you define your brand within the beauty space?- ADVERTISEMENT –

I define my brand within the beauty space as being  1 of 1. My Brand is unique because I have so much personality and I run things my way!  I’m not saying that my way is wrong or right, but it’s MY WAY and I’m comfortable with being different. I never was a fan of fitting in .. it’s boring!

What does being featured in the Hype Hair Magazine x Bronner Bros collaboration mean to you?

Being featured means sooo much to me being that Hype Hair is like the Jet magazine of the beauty industry it’s always been a goal of mine to be featured in an issue so I’ve achieved one of my goals. I moved to Atlanta after experiencing Bronner Bros. back in 2020 so every time I think of my journey I have to include BB because it plays a major role in the success I’ve earned & in my journey.

Where do you see yourself in your career five years from now?

Where do I see myself 5 years from now? I see myself as very wealthy, by the grace of God my business will be a Fortune 500 company. I see myself teaching students because I love to teach others how to secure a stable income. I see myself being a MOGUL 5 years from now .. Yeah ME!!

Who are some of your biggest influences in the beauty industry? 

Tamika Gibson, Alonzo Arnold, Anthony Cuts, King Onyx, Arrogant Tae & Nailah Alnisa. I love the clean looks that all of those stylists have with their installments also they have personality. Sometimes you have to separate talent from the person, but with the individuals I named you don’t have to they are just all around AMAZING! – ADVERTISEMENT –

What areas of expertise set you apart from other professionals in your field?

The areas that set me apart from other professionals in my field are my marketing and branding techniques. I went to college and earned my degree in business management so I use the strategies I learned in college and incorporate them into my hair business and it works.

How vital are diversity and inclusivity in the beauty industry, and how do you contribute to it?

Diversity and inclusivity in the beauty industry in very vital. I feel like if you’re in the beauty industry it’s your job to make EVERYONE beautiful it’s not fair to pick and choose. I service all people men, women, and trans people it doesn’t matter my chair is a safe zone and place for everyone who aspires to receive the services I offer to have an experience that is life-changing. It’s not just hair .. it’s a lifestyle!

Can you share some advice for aspiring beauty professionals looking to make their mark?

Always be yourself the industry has a thousand of people who do what you do, but nobody is you and do what you do like you do. Respect the process and DO THE WORK! There’s no way you can fail if you do the work, and anything worth keeping is worth working towards.

How do you balance staying true to your style while keeping up with industry trends?- ADVERTISEMENT –

I balance staying true to myself by always adding my niche I love natural soft looks so no matter what new trend is out I’m going to find a way to make it a soft look .. some way, somehow!

What challenges have you faced in your career, and how have they shaped your journey?

Some challenges I’ve faced in my journey, being a black homosexual male in this industry, it can be a little difficult. One area is when it comes to wanting to place your products in major stores. I never take no for an answer though anytime a door closes I just search for a window! Being this way has always helped shape my journey because it taught me to work hard and to continuously give it all I have.

What upcoming projects or collaborations can your fans and readers look forward to?

My fans and readers can look forward to a few projects. I will be going on tour this spring traveling to 7 cities, I am super excited because the pandemic slowed down my touring. Teaching is my first love so I’m super hyped about getting back to doing what I love most. Also building a strong foundation for my product line (The Prescription Products).

What’s your favorite beauty hack or product you can’t live without?

My favorite beauty hack or product I can’t live without is my sleek iron!! It’s a tool a hairstylist from the United Kingdom sent to me it’s a metal plate that heats up to 450 degrees and it gets my installments SUPER FLAT! I love it and can’t live without it.- ADVERTISEMENT –

How do you stay motivated and inspired in a constantly evolving industry like beauty?

I stay motivated because I never stop learning! This industry is always changing you have to stay up to date with all of the new trends. It’s ok to add your flavor, and your style, but never stop learning.

IG @iamhairphysician 

Don’t miss the 2024 Bronner Bros International Beauty Show from February 24-26 at the Georgia World Congress Center. Secure your registration by visiting
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