How to Use Cinnamon for Healthy Skin

How to Use Cinnamon for Healthy Skin – Know the Benefits – When it comes to the list of most aromatic spices for culinary use, cinnamon comes towards the top. Along with culinary uses, cinnamon is known for its medicinal properties since ages. And, it has certain amazing benefits for our skin as well. Here in this article, we will discuss about the benefits and various uses of cinnamon for healthy skin. Cinnamon is primarily known for its high anti oxidant values. Also, cinnamon has anti inflammatory and anti microbial properties. Cinnamon can help reduce breakouts and it can also lighten those stubborn acne scars. Plus, cinnamon has anti aging properties as well. Check below to know more about using cinnamon for healthy skin.Check – Turmeric for Skin Lightening Benefits of Using Cinnamon to Get Healthy Skin 1. Cures Acne Good news for acne prone skin! Cinnamon is enriched with natural anti microbial, anti septic, anti fungal as well as anti oxidant properties. All these work together to treat acne. Cinnamon, when used topically, helps to control oil production by the sebaceous glands and thus, prevents oil deposit on the face that further helps to avoid acne formation. Moreover, cinnamon has exfoliating benefits. When used on the skin, it exfoliates the skin, removes the dead skin cells and prevent the chances of clogged pores, thus minimizing acne formation. It also helps to dry out existing acne on the skin. Also, cinnamon also has the ability to boost blood circulation in the skin, that nourish the skin cells and make them resistant to acne and other skin damages. 2. Good for Dry Skin Cinnamon is beneficial to give relief from dry skin condition. Cinnamon powder has exfoliating properties, which removes the dry skin cells and unveil healthy, soft skin underneath. Moreover, enriched with anti oxidant benefits, cinnamon fights off the free radicals and protect the skin from several ailments including dryness. Extremely dry skin is prone to eczema, which is a very irritating skin condition. It causes redness and itchiness of the skin and leaves behind light colored patches on the skin. Cinnamon has anti allergic and anti inflammatory properties, which help to treat eczema. Topical application of cinnamon helps significantly to reduce the discoloration of the skin caused by eczema. 3. Fights Aging Cinnamon has natural anti aging benefits for our skin. Collagen is the most important protein for the health and youthfulness of our skin. As we age, the collagen level starts to decrease and this is the main factor that makes the skin lose its elasticity and the signs of aging starts to appear. Cinnamon helps to prevent this by boosting the collagen production in the skin. According to studies, the main ingredient of cinnamon, ‘cinnamaldehyde’, is what helps to increase collagen level. Being an anti oxidant, cinnamon can destroy the free radicals and protect our skin from several damages including premature aging. Also, topical application of cinnamon helps to stimulate the blood vessels and increase blood circulation in our face. This helps to nourish the skin cells, repairs the damages and results in healthy, glowing skin. 4. Lightens Complexion Cinnamon has great skin lightening benefits. The anti inflammatory benefits of cinnamon takes care of the redness and discoloration of the skin caused by acne and pimples. Topical application of cinnamon reduces the inflammation and repairs the skin to restore even toned complexion. The anti oxidant benefits of cinnamon also help significantly to keep our skin healthy and boost the complexion. Cinnamon, when used on regular basis, improves blood circulation. Being a warming spice, it stimulates the blood vessels and brings more blood and oxygen to the surface of the skin, which in turn results in rosy complexion. The anti microbial as well as anti septic benefits of cinnamon protects the skin from acne and other infections,, thus keeping the skin clean and clear. 5. Plumps Up the Skin Cinnamon is known for its plumping effect on our skin. It is a warming spice and that’s why it can stimulate the blood vessels and bring more blood and oxygen to the surface of the skin. This leads to a plumping effect and a fuller appearance. Regular application of cinnamon gives a plumping look to the skin and minimizes the appearance of fine lines. Those were the the major benefits of cinnamon for our skin. Now take a look below to find out how to use cinnamon to get healthy skin naturally. Best Ways to Use Cinnamon for Healthy Skin 1. Cinnamon and Raw Honey Remedy to Get Healthy Skin How to use cinnamon and raw honey for healthy skin? Take 1 tbsp of cinnamon powder in a bowl and add 2 tbsp raw honey to that. Mix together to prepare the face pack. Apply that on the face as well as neck. Let it sit on the skin for 10-15 minutes, and then wash off using plain water. Reapply this homemade face pack with cinnamon and raw honey twice in a week to get healthy, glowing skin naturally. Benefits – Raw honey is a great natural remedy to achieve healthy, glowing skin. It comes loaded with several vitamins, such as vitamin B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, etc. and minerals like calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, sodium and zinc. It also contains multiple anti oxidants, 18-20 amino acids as well as AHAs. All these nutrients work wonders on our skin and help to boost our complexion. When we apply raw honey on the skin, it penetrates the skin deeply and nourish the skin cells with its rich nutritional compounds and over time, our skin becomes bright, supple and glowing. Raw honey has exfoliating properties as well. It contains gluconic acid, which is an AHA. It exfoliates the skin and removes the impurities to help us achieve glowing skin. Raw honey is a great natural treatment for acne, pimples and premature aging signs. Being a natural humectant, raw honey draws moisture from the environment and locks it into the skin cells. This helps to keep the skin moisturized and hydrated and prevent skin dryness. Also raw honey helps to stop moisture loss from the skin. This helps to improve our skin texture and adds a beautiful glow. We know, raw honey helps to exfoliate our skin. Through exfoliation, raw honey removes the impurities from the skin surface and unclog the blocked pores. This helps to keep acne and pimples at bay. Furthermore, the anti oxidant benefits of raw honey help combating various skin problems. such as early aging, dry skin, dull skin, acne etc. Along with these, the anti inflammatory properties of raw honey help to soothe our skin and give relief from skin irritation and inflammation quickly. Raw honey comes with osmotic effect, that also help to get rid of acne. When applied on any active acne, raw honey absorbs moisture from the affected pores and thus, making it difficult for the acne causing bacteria to survive there. Then it releases hydrogen peroxide, that helps to disinfect the pores and finally destroy the acne causing bacteria completely to get rid of acne. Not just acne, but raw honey helps to lighten acne scars and other types of skin pigmentation as well, thanks to its high amount of nutrients and anti oxidants as well as exfoliating benefits. The hydrogen peroxide, released by raw honey, also helps to lighten our skin tone with its mild bleaching properties. 2. Cinnamon and Coconut Oil Remedy to Achieve Healthy Skin How to use cinnamon and coconut oil for healthy skin? Take some cinnamon powder in a bowl and add 2 tsp pure coconut oil to that. Mix together and prepare a paste. Apply this face pack on the face as well as neck and massage gently in circular motion. Leave it on the skin for 10-15 minutes and then wash off using plain water. Reapply this DIY healthy skin remedy with cinnamon and coconut oil twice weekly. Benefits – Coconut oil has wonderful moisturizing properties for our skin. It is a great source of medium chain fatty acids, such as capric acid and caprylic acid, that help with skin nourishment as well as protection. The fatty acids in coconut oil are structurally similar to the fatty acids present on the cells on the top layer of the skin. This helps coconut oil to get absorbed by the skin fast and penetrate through the deepest layers. This way, coconut oil can nourish the skin cells deeply and boost skin health from within. These fatty acids in coconut oil cover the skin with a protective layer to retain moisture in the skin and keep the skin healthy, soft, supple as well as glowing. This is how coconut oil heals skin dryness and restores soft, supple as well as healthy skin naturally. Coconut oil contains a good amount of vitamin E, which is an anti oxidant. It protects the skin from the harmful free radicals and also boosts cell renewal process to keep the skin healthy and glowing. Also it replenishes the skin with lost moisture, thus eliminating dryness. Furthermore, vitamin E is beneficial to strengthen the connective tissues of the skin to maintain healthy, beautiful and youthful skin for a long time. Dry skin is more prone to infections and coconut oil helps treating skin infections with natural anti fungal as well as anti inflammatory benefits. Thus coconut oil repairs damaged skin and restores glowing and healthy skin. Furthermore, the protein components present in coconut oil help improving cellular health and repair the damaged skin tissues to enhance our overall skin health. Being rich in anti oxidants, coconut oil boosts collagen production in the skin. This helps to increase skin elasticity and suppleness and makes the skin glowing by fading away marks and scars. Exfoliation is the key to healthy and glowing skin. Topical application of coconut oil exfoliates the skin surface and removes the dead skin cells to make skin softer, brighter as well as healthier. 3. Cinnamon and Yogurt Remedy to Get Healthy Skin How to use cinnamon and yogurt for healthy skin? Take one tsp cinnamon powder and mix it with some fresh and unflavored yogurt. Apply the resultant mixture all over the face as well as neck and massage your skin gently with your fingertips for couple of minutes. Leave the pack on the skin for 10-15 minutes. Wash off with plain water. Reapply this home remedy with cinnamon and yogurt for healthy skin twice in a week. Also read How to Do Anti Acne Facial at Home – Step by Step Guide Best Home Remedies to Treat Dry Skin Naturally How to Do Homemade Coffee Facial for Glowing Skin Benefits – Yogurt can give us healthy, glowing skin. It contains lactic acid, an AHA. Lactic acid helps to dissolve the dead skin cells as well as other impurities that accumulate on the top layer of the skin and make skin dry and rough. Yogurt provides excellent exfoliation and helps in closing the large pores, which in turn makes the skin healthy, smooth and glowing. Lactic acid helps in exfoliation and removal of dead skin cells as well as other impurities, which make our skin look dull and patchy. Yogurt can reduce melanin production in our skin. Melanin is the natural pigment that determines our skin color. High amount of melanin makes skin look dark. There’s an enzyme known as tyrosinase enzyme, which directly influences the melanin production. Yogurt can inhibit the production of tyrosinase enzyme and controls melanin production. Yogurt is rich in B vitamins. B vitamins are known to improve our skin tone and texture. It contains vitamin B5 that can brighten the dull skin as well as reduce dark spots and acne scars. Also vitamin B12 in yogurt can lighten skin discoloration. Yogurt contains vitamin B2, which makes our skin clear and glowing by encouraging healthy cell growth. The antioxidant benefits of yogurt protects skin cells from damage by free radicals. Yogurt contains zinc, which comes with anti inflammatory as well as astringent benefits. Zinc can fight off acne as well as give healthy skin. Yogurt also contains probiotics, which help in destroying acne causing bacteria. The lactic acid present in yogurt unclogs pores and reduces chances of acne and pimples. Yogurt comes with great anti aging benefits. Vitamin B2 in yogurt has anti oxidant benefits. It protects our skin cells from oxidative stress and helps to avoid premature aging of skin. Yogurt also contains vitamin B5 and B12 that further help to keep the skin hydrated and moisturized, thus preventing aging signs like wrinkles and lines. It is rich in calcium, which supports skin renewal process and prevents dry and dehydrated skin. Yogurt can help with reversing the effect of sun damage on our skin. 4. Cinnamon and Banana Remedy to Achieve Healthy Skin How to use cinnamon and banana for healthy skin? Take a small ripe banana and mash it using a fork. Add a tsp cinnamon powder to that. Mix together to prepare the face pack. Apply it all over the face as well as neck and let it sit on the skin for 10-15 minutes. Wash off with fresh water and reapply this DIY face pack for healthy skin with cinnamon and banana twice in a week. Benefits – Banana comes with great moisturizing benefits for our skin. Banana contains a high amount of potassium, which is a vital mineral to improve skin texture. Potassium helps to improve blood circulation in the skin, which in turn, ensures better flow of oxygen and other important nutrients to the skin cells. This further nourishes the skin cells, repairs the damages and helps to restore healthy, soft and supple skin. Along with potassium, banana is rich in several other skin nourishing vitamins. It contains a good amount of vitamin A, that help increasing sebum production in the skin, thus moisturizing dry skin and healing it over time. The B vitamins found in banana are enriched with anti oxidant benefits. They fight off the free radicals and environmental elements to protect the skin from several problems such as, dryness, premature aging, etc. Banana is rich in vitamin C as well, that fights off free radicals and also boosts collagen production in the skin to help us achieve soft, healthy and firm skin. In addition, vitamin E present in banana also contribute to healthy skin. It helps with replenishing the skin with lost moisture, thus giving relief from dry skin. Vitamin E, with its anti oxidant benefits, supports healthy cell growth to make skin soft, supple and healthy. Furthermore, banana contains skin nourishing amino acids, that soften the skin texture by nourishing the skin cells. It is no secret that exfoliation is important for healthy skin. Banana has the ability to exfoliate the skin and remove the impurities to make way for soft, radiant as well as smooth skin. These were four amazing ways to use cinnamon to get healthy skin naturally. Hope you liked the article and found it useful. Don’t forget to share your feedback below in the comments.

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