The happy newsletter – how Tropic is making a difference in Nepal with – Tropic Skincare

No matter where you grew up in the United Kingdom, it’s likely you weren’t too far away from a primary school – and you probably even attended your local one. Even Foula, which is one of the islands that make up the Shetlands, has a local school, even though it only has a population of just 30 people. Everyone at Tropic believes access to education is a fundamental human right, but not everyone everywhere can access it.  
Tropic has been working with United World Schools (UWS) for over three years, funding education in areas where there is a need for it in Cambodia, Myanmar, Nepal, and Madagascar.  
In Nepal, many children living in rural and remote areas do not have access to education, which can limit their opportunities in life. Without an education, these children may struggle to find good jobs, improve their living conditions, or fully participate in their communities.   
Nepal’s literacy rate is among the lowest in the world, with many rural villages remaining unreached by government education, but a Nepalese child in education is 74% less likely to be involved in child labour. In Nepal, UWS has worked to establish primary schools in areas where access to education is limited or non-existent. These schools provide free, quality education to children who may otherwise not have the opportunity.  

Allowing girls to take control of their future is also what Tropic is helping to do – because 25% of all girls without an education marry before the age of 15.  
While Tropic provides support to existing schools, it also funded the construction of its own school in Madamsingh and the Tropic HQ team visited it to see its impact on the community.   
We spoke to Country Director Surya Karki to understand why the need for education is so important and how Tropic’s support will have an invaluable difference for generations to come. Watch the video below to hear from Surya first-hand. 

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