Creatively Lulls In Lockdown — From Roses

what life looks like right now; personal & work Life is certainly a lot slower than it ever has been before and it’s a good thing, I’ve finally done so many things that I usually put off due to not having enough time and energy. I feel so much more organised within work as well as my personal life (although I’ve still managed to put off doing my tax return early) and that constant sense of overwhelm is slowly fading. Day to day life isn’t all that different, my work is a little different of course but other than that the things that I do every day aren’t. I’m currently working on bringing a little more structure to my work day and planning my weeks a little better now I have a better grasp of what I’m doing. My brain loves structure and routine so I need to make sure it’s something that I’m keeping on top of as no one else does it for you when you work for yourself. There are some changes I want to make business wise and I’m excited to make those changes, there things that I’’re things that I’ve wanted to do for a while but always been a little nervous about implementing but if I don’t do it now, then when?As well as lockdown bringing changes to my work life there’s also been some changes to my personal life. The biggest one has been postponing our wedding, something that I knew as soon as the lockdown was announced would more than likely happen, and last week we officially moved everything to 2021. It is undeniably upsetting but the safety of us and our loved ones is so much more important. Whilst as of right now you’re allowed to get married in the UK with a party of up to 30 (our wedding party is around 26), you’re not allowed to celebrate your wedding and there, of course, has to be social distancing measures in place. Which means if we were to get married on our original date my dad wouldn’t be able to walk me down the aisle which is so important for my dad and I. Our venue is pretty intimate which doesn’t allow for safely social distancing and the thought of not getting to hug any of my loved ones on my wedding day isn’t something I want let alone the logistics of trying to take any pictures. Whilst moving our day and saying goodbye to a date we loved undeniably sucks, it’s also been a weight off my mind too as I feel like even if there is a second spike in Covid cases we still have a lot more chance of getting married on our new date than if we’d kept the old one.

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